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Arnold Davies Blog

Arnold Davies Blog

How to Get Rid of Forehead Acne

By Arnold Davies Blog at 2010-11-25 05:57:53
Acne often occurs on the forehead. The forehead and nose are part of the places that accumulate excess amount of oil than any other part of the face. Clogged skin pores are caused by excess oil and it is mostly blocked by bacteria which results in acne breakout. To get rid of acne fast you must first unblock your skin pores. If you are willing to clear your forehead acne you will soon see the results in few weeks time.

Acne is a broad term used for the inflammatory conditions of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. It is distinguished by the formation of comedones or blackheads, small superficial sebaceous cysts, pimples, and scars. The main areas affected are temples, forehead, cheeks, chin, back and chest. Even though there are many treatment options available nowadays you should know how to get rid of acne naturally and safely. Here are a few measures that you have to take before starting a natural treatment.

Let me start off by telling you how acne is caused so that you can help prevent yourself from getting it again. When acne occurs, you know that it is because your body is making some adjustments to what it is taking in. Acne occurs because your body has too much toxins then it can waste. To make a long explanation short and to make it simple, your body makes some adjustments and the toxins then become pimples in the form of acne.

Benzoyl peroxide is proven to be the most effect non-prescription acne treatment available. I would recommend starting with 5% rather than 10% because it is just as effective and will lower the risk of your skin being excessively dry or peeling.

When faced with a pimple do not pop it; this will only spread the infection and make it worse. By popping the pimple could result in a scar later on.

Cut down on the greasy fries and burgers and instead, munch on fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It does not only help with acne but these improve the production of collagen and elastin in your body. These foods also contain antioxidants to help prevent skin damage caused by free radicals. Drinking plenty of water will also keep you hydrated and help flush toxins from the body.

Honey and cinnamon powder is also very effective. Make a thick paste of the same and apply it on your face. Let it dry and sleep with it overnight. Next morning when you wash your face, you will see a difference.

You are supposed to wash your face atleast three times a day, but you still have that oily feeling on the T section between the forehead and the nose. This can be avoided if a Glycerin or Sorbital based soap is used. I recommend those made by Neutrogena.

If you ask a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon how to get rid of lines on forehead skin, he or she will likely recommend Retin-A, despite the drawbacks. In years to come, they will probably suggest the synthetic form of another antioxidant. That one is called ubiquinone or coenzyme Q10.

Eat a healthy diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and meat. Avoid junk food and oily food. Oily and fatty food is the root cause of skin imperfections like acne, dark spots, oily skin, and blemishes. Green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli are very good anti-oxidants; they are very effective in inhibiting the free radical activity and de-aging the skin.

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